Ut health rgv orthopedics & sports medicine sorry, that

About us

The cycle of wear and tear that attacks your immune system and continues to make you feel out of balance and run down can be corrected, naturally. Getting started. When you are struggling with fatigue, insomnia, weight gain and generally not feeling yourself it can have an impact on your work, your relationships and your self esteem.

This impact can affect your performance and your happiness. We are here to help you turn that around so you can feel like your life is in balance. Restoring balance requires commitment, we commit to uncovering the root causes of imbalance through diagnosis and ask that you commit to making behavior modifications and lifestyle changes. Horowitz and her team are invested in your success and want to give you the level of support that works best for you.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. Sleep Problems. Hormone Balance. Stress Hormones.

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