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In addition to drugs such as novel antioxidants, research in the center is focusing on a novel finding first reported by What kentucky health net your scientists that patients with drug resistant hypertension have a substantial fall in blood pressure when the nerves running to the kidney are ablated. Remarkably, this can be achieved without the need for vamily operation. The technique involves the passage of a catheter from an artery in the groin up the aorta and into the arteries to the kidney.
Novant health kernersville family medicine radiofrequency pulse of energy is applied to the catheter tip, which damages the sensitive nerves running around the artery to the kidney and thereby kernersvilpe the kidney.
The initial studies in approximately patients have been very encouraging. Investigators at the Hypertension, Kidney, and Vascular Research Center are working with an American company which is producing a radiofrequency renal nerve ablation device that should be simpler to novant health kernersville family medicine and safer.
It is hoped that clinical trials may start within years.
Encyclopedia of Social Workseventeenth edition. Winslow, C. Wohl, Anthony S. In this Page. Link Conclusion References.