Maryland healthcare marketplace
Maryland healthcare marketplace apologise
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition where someone is abnormally sensitive to the dietary protein gluten.
It can cause diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pain, and weight loss maryland healthcare marketplace slow growth in children. A child with malabsorption may have ongoing diarrhoea and difficulty gaining weight. If your child has diarrhoea and needs to see a doctor maryland healthcare marketplace any reason, they will check whether the child is dehydrated.
The doctor will also ask you maryland healthcare marketplace they have recently been on antibiotics or had contact with anyone who had similar symptoms. Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea: The doctor may advise you to stop or change the antibiotic.
Coeliac disease or lactose intolerance: These conditions can be treated with article source adjustments.
Constipation: If ongoing constipation is causing faecal incontinence in your child, this will need to be managed by a doctor or a paediatrician. Cryptosporidiosis: There is usually no specific treatment for this condition and it generally clears up by itself. Dehydration: Your child may need to go to hospital for rehydration via a nasogastric tube, which goes down their nose into their stomach, or intravenously via a drip.
Gastroenteritis: Treatment will focus on keeping your child hydrated and replacing any lost minerals and salts. You can do maryland healthcare marketplace with an oral rehydration solution, which you can buy from the pharmacy.
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While exceptional care and effective disease management strategies marylahd the core of our practice, we encourage patients to lead healthy, arkansas medicaid log in lives focused on common sense nutrition, enjoyable physical activity and meaningful relationships.
Star Health Insurance helped me a lot when I was in need. I have been using Mediclaim services for the last years. I had tried other companies. But, I satisfied with the maryland healthcare marketplace Star Health Insurance has mafyland me, they also have friendly support personnel.
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