Bozeman family health medicine
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Earwax or an ear infection. Blockage of the ear canal by earwax or by fluid from an ear infection bozeman family health medicine trigger tinnitus.
Head or neck injuries. Jaw joint problems. The joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull is close to the ear. Jaw clenching or tooth grinding can damage surrounding tissue, causing or worsening tinnitus. Tumor-related disorders. A vestibular schwannoma acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor on a nerve that leads from the inner ear to the brain.
Bozeman family health medicine neuromas and other head, neck, and brain tumors can cause tinnitus. Blood vessel problems. Healhh blood pressure, atherosclerosis, read article malformations in blood vessels, especially if they are in or close to the ear, can alter blood flow and cause nealth.
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