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novant health walkertown family medicine

Novant health walkertown family medicine

Novant health walkertown family medicine hope, you

After the oatmeal bath, the next step is to moisturize your skin with a fragrance-free moisturizer, go here apply topical anesthetics. Moisturizing is a crucial step since dry skin can exacerbate itchiness. Your local pharmacist is a great resource to answer your questions novant health walkertown family medicine help you choose a product that fits your preference.

Sometimes itchy skin is the result of an allergic reaction. You can develop an allergy to many common substances like nickel found in jewelry, eyeglass frames, zippers, and belt bucklesstrong fragrances, skin care products, and more. Your doctor can help you identify what is causing the allergic reaction. Removing exposure to the substance will usually relieve symptoms. Your provider also prescribe an anti-itch cream novant health walkertown family medicine apply to the affected skin.

This can help reduce intense itching so you can avoid scratching. Scratching an itchy area source disrupt the skin barrier and cause complications like a skin infection.

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Archives of internal medicine. Zonegran zonisamide [package insert]. Teaneck, NJ: Eisai Inc. Drug-induced weight gain: Rethinking our choices. J Fam Pract.