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Doarrhea instance, some claim that pregnancy is not a health condition, 41718 and that abortion and pregnancy care are not justifiable by reference to health need. However, both these cases could in principle be seen as forms of preventive public health; a primary reason for having healthcare professionals involved in pregnancy care, birth, and abortion are that these best anti diarrhea medicine often give rise to health needs that anit is best to medical professionals monitor from the outset.
Other cases involve no health condition per se, but go here procedures which, if not carried out in a medical context, present greater risk of ill health if they go wrong.
Examples include vasectomy and circumcision. In these cases, the justification for making these dlarrhea procedures may still ultimately rest on the grounds of health. Alternatively, Norman Daniels and James E. Sabin 19 raise the example of using a click procedure, psychotherapy, best anti diarrhea medicine problems which nobody would regard as a health need, such as marital unhappiness.
Thus, as Daniels and Sabin present it, this is potentially a case of medical need without health need. On their mexicine, this is sufficient to mean that it should not be covered by a health best anti diarrhea medicine package though they do not claim that the medical system should not engage with this case.
The second question raised by the distinction is whether medical systems, professionals, and procedures should be concerned with health needs, medical needs, or only with cases which are both.
Translated into the terminology of this article, Kaposy argues that public health funding should focus on medical fiarrhea rather than health needs, thus including best anti diarrhea medicine care even if it medicinw not a matter of health.
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