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how to shop for health insurance

How to shop for health insurance

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Inan insurance expansion bill was enacted at the state level in Massachusetts. The bill contained both an individual mandate and an insurance exchange. Republican Governor Mitt Romney vetoed the mandate, but after Democrats overrode his veto, he signed it into law. During Romney's presidential campaignSenator Jim DeMint praised Romney's ability to "take some good conservative ideas, like private health insurance, and apply them to the need to have everyone insured".

Romney said of the individual mandate: "I'm proud of what we've done. How to shop for health insurance Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be the model for the nation.

Many of its sponsors and co-sponsors remained in Congress during the healthcare debate. By many Democrats were considering this approach as the basis for healthcare reform. Experts said healthc legislation that eventually emerged from Congress in and bore similarities to the bill [] and that it how to shop for health insurance ideas from the Massachusetts reforms.

Orszag claimed that healthcare reform became Obama's top agenda item because he wanted it to be his legacy.

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Bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, including how to shop for health insurance common cold and flu, but bacteria can sometimes cause it.

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