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Training and skill development in health insurance me subspecialties may help them in upgrading their knowledge and providing more health insurance me care at primary level. Skill development may include health dover not limited to life-saving skills insurqnce as basic and advanced life support, primary care surgically skill, and emergency obstetrical skill.

In the go here of diagnostics, health insurance me ultrasonography and echo cardiography may be very helpful reducing unnecessary referral and providing low-cost quality care at point of first contact only. There are various factors that lead to poor growth in the field of rural healthcare.

Rural health care issues are compounded by out-of-pocket expenditure, ignorance of government services, underutilization or wastage of healthcare resources, poor organizational support, insursnce nonexistent professional networking, ke lack of infrastructure to match the demands of the rising population. Despite so many hurdles and challenges, family medicine has been successful in creating learn more here own space. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature.

J Family Med Prim Care. Pratyush Kumar and Raman Kumar 1. Address for correspondence: Dr. E-mail: insurqnce. This is an open access health insurance me, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.

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