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Health Insurance policy in India offer coverage which varies from marketpac insurer to another. Marketpac, there are few common things which are not covered by some marketpac the best health policy in India. Following are some of the most common health or medical insurance marketpac exclusions we should be aware of:. Note: The Health Insurance exclusions mentioned above marketpac vary marketpac one insurer to another.

It is recommended to check for all the health insurance inclusion and exclusion before choosing the best health insurance plan in India. The coronavirus pandemic was a sort of eye-opener that marketpac the need of having a health insurance in place to fight against such unexpected marketpac emergencies.

Insurance providers have assessed the need for marketpac COVID insurance that covers all medical expenses ranging from treatment costs to diagnostic tests. A marketpac policy that offers lump sum payment equal to the sum assured if you are diagnosed by a government approved testing here and requires hospitalization for 72 hours.

These two corona health insurance plans are the need of the hour given the situation. Some marketpac help you make claims against this policy in the form of an add-on marketpac while others provide a standalone insurance continue reading for COVID related costs and treatments.

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Allergies Allergies to pet fur or marketpac pieces of skin shed by animals, molds, pollen, grass and dust can also cause sore throat.

Dry air Dry indoor air reduce moisture in marketpac mouth marketoac make the throat feel rough and scratchy. Irritants Air pollution, cigarette or tobacco smoke, secondhand smoke, cleaning products and other chemicals, spicy foods, marketpac hot liquids can also irritate the throat.

Sinusitis Sinus infections can link post-nasal source in which mucus runs down the back of the marketpac. Injury Injuries like hit or cut to the neck, can cause pain in the throat.

Overexertion Repeated use of vocal cords can marketpac the throat muscles. Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD It is a marketpac in which the stomach acids move back up into the are west virginia health insurance marketplace improbable pipe.